
We are just a couple of parents who want to make sure when our kids get older they have a planet they can live on.

We wanted to do something to play our part in making sure our kids and our children’s children have a wonderful planet to live on.

While one of the services we offer is the ability to plant trees and this will help to reduce CO2 in our atmosphere, but we all need to make lifestyle changes. Earth Overshoot Day (the day we consume 100% of the resources the earth can naturally provide us with) is getting earlier and earlier. The only time in the last few years it was later in the year was in 2020 when we were during the COVID 19 pandemic and basically the world stopped for a few months to tackle the spread.

There are many changes we can all make, small changes like walking and cycling more instead of the default of jumping in the car to nip around the corner to other more lifestyle changes like eating less meat to reusing more items. Recycling is great, but that still requires energy and resources. We have become a thrown away society or use once and chuck – this is a huge waste. So on our blog we intend to cover ways to be more green.

Small Changes

Big Difference