Corporate Social Responsibility
Is your Business looking to do more?
Are you looking to improve your corporate social responsibility, do you really want to improve the planet we live on. Then we can help. Whether it’s reducing the impact on the climate, improve the environment or poverty we can help.
If you simply want to offset your carbon emissions by planting trees we can help.
Just One Earth is here to help.
From advising on how to run a carbon footprint analysis of your business to helping reduce your carbon emissions and then helping plant trees to offset the rest we are here to help.
We make it very simple.
In fact, we plant trees for your company.
Only £1 plants 1 tree.
Small or Big we can Help
It doesn’t matter on the size of your company whether you are a one man band or a huge corporation we can help. At Just £1 a tree we believe all businesses can do their part.

Get in touch so we can discuss working with you
One to One
A popular option is one for one. For example every order you ship you plant a tree.
Monthly Donation
Simply setting up a recurring amount to plant trees every month. Popular with agencies who have the same amount of clients each month and want to do their part
% of Sale
Some business prefer to agree to donate a specific percentage of revenue or profit.
We will work with you to find a solution that works for you and your business.
More than Just Trees
- Creating home for sea life by planting Mangroves
- Creating jobs in some of the poorest parts of the world
- Preventing Soil Erosion
- Cleaning the air we breathe
- Saving Orcas
- Replacing Forests destroyed by fire

Unit Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Not just that, you will also be addressing a number of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals