November 2021

Brazil: Amazon sees worst deforestation levels in 15 years

Deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest has hit its highest level in over 15 years, official data shows. A report by Brazil’s space research agency (Inpe) found that deforestation increased by 22% in a year. Brazil was among a number of nations who promised to end and reverse deforestation by 2030 during the COP26 climate summit. The Amazon […]

Brazil: Amazon sees worst deforestation levels in 15 years Read More »

Are clothes made from recycled materials really more sustainable?

A growing number of brands are switching to recycled fibers but experts worry people may believe their purchases are impact-free – when that’s far from true The majority of clothes are made from synthetic fabrics derived from fossil fuels. Photograph: Sergey Ryzhov/Alamy Stock Photo Woven into your clothes is a material that takes on many disguises.

Are clothes made from recycled materials really more sustainable? Read More »

Madagascar paying price for cheap European flights, says climate minister

Politician says droughts and climate-induced famine in the country are a result of the behaviours of rich nations More than a million people facing the first climate-induced famine in Madagascar are paying the price for cheap flights in Europe and appliances such as gas heaters, the country’s environment minister has said. For several years now, the south

Madagascar paying price for cheap European flights, says climate minister Read More »

COP26 summit: How to be a sustainable sports fan – four ways to reduce your footprint

You drive to the game, have a beef burger, hand over your ticket, watch the match and give the third kit you bought a rare outing. But with the COP26 climate summit under way, sports fans are being urged to reconsider the way they support their teams. Glasgow is hosting the summit from 31 October

COP26 summit: How to be a sustainable sports fan – four ways to reduce your footprint Read More »

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What is net zero and how are the UK and other countries doing?

Countries are setting out plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions, at the COP26 climate change summit in Glasgow. They hope to achieve the target of “net zero” by 2050, to help slow global warming. Getty Images What does ‘net zero’ mean? Net zero means not adding to the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Achieving it

What is net zero and how are the UK and other countries doing? Read More »

Premier League: Should clubs stop flying to domestic matches for environmental reasons?

For years, clubs in England have regularly chosen to fly to Premier League matches. It is generally the quickest and most convenient option and gives players and staff maximum time to prepare for games. But as world leaders meet at COP26 in an attempt to avoid the catastrophic effects of climate change, is it time for that

Premier League: Should clubs stop flying to domestic matches for environmental reasons? Read More »